Q and A on special education and remedial education
What is remedial education?

Remedial education is also know too many as development education and it is vital for students that are falling behind in core academic areas.

Remedial education is not the same as special education. Remedial education is instruction provided to students who need more support in core areas such as reading writing and mathematics.

These students qualify for remediation because of their poor performance in those areas not because they are intellectually not able to perform.

Do you get different levels of remedial education?

Remedial education is mainstream education it is just offered in smaller groups with more 1:1 teaching and assistance. The measurable or standardised curriculum is still followed.

Remediation can be given to a student within his/her current learning space by use of the “push-in remediation method” – meaning remediation is provided by the remedial teacher coming into the classroom to provide support to the students who need it during a particular lesson.

Remediation can also be done outside off the classroom by use of the “pull-out” remediation technique in which a student is pulled out of the classroom for extra lessons on a particular subjects or content.

What is preparatory education?

Preparatory education refers to a type of education where schools focus on the development of pupils – emotionally, socially, intellectually and physically, thereby providing an enriching experience and a stimulating environment for the child. Allowing pupils to fully explore their abilities and talents as they progress from Grade 1 to Grade 7. Preparatory education is standardised education. The creative use of technology just enables learning to move beyond traditional classrooms. It is neither remedial no special education.

What does specialist tutoring mean?

Employment of a specialist tutor to help your child overcome his/her learning challenges means that you employ an individual to work on a 1:1 basis with your child either inside the home or in side the classroom. Ideally this would be a person that would work with your child daily for an hour of two every day.

Tutoring is different to therapy. Therapy can be elective and done on an as-and-when basis during the course of the week whereas a specialist tutor will need to work with your child on reading, writing or mathematics on a daily basis.

What does special education mean?

If your child is placed in an LSEN (Learner special education needs) program or special school it means that your child does not have the intellectual ability to cope with the standardised curriculum offered in other schools. Special education is designed specifically for students with special needs.

Special education is the practice of educating students in a way that address their individual and/or very special needs. Most schools offering special education also offer a fully adapted curriculum.

Who would qualify for placement in a special school?

Special education includes services for a wide variety of learning and physical disabilities. Different schools offer different solutions for different disabilities.

Autism early intervention centres, autism therapy centres, autism schools and autism preschools are all special educational setting for children specifically with autisms spectrum disorder. They specialise in ASD and other neurodevelopment disabilities such as Aspersers and will only enrol children with communication disorders, emotional and behavioural disorders or a diagnosis specific to their field of expertise.

Other special schools cater more for children with physical disabilities such as osteogenesis perfecta, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and Spina Bifida. Students with these disabilities are likely to benefit from the services offered in these specialist schools.

What is Social Instruction?

Children with a diagnosed autism spectrum disorder often have problems with understanding social situations. Many find it difficult to understand social acceptable behaviour and what they can and can’t do when they are in a social situation. Social instruction means providing a child with the social support they need to help the child behave in a way that is socially acceptable to others.

What is a social story?

Social stories are picture books (with or without words) designed for a variety of situations – that help teach particulary autistic children what to expect and/or how to behave in a social situation. They can be used to help prepare the child for an upcoming event and/or to explain a procedure that may be happening that they child is unfamiliar with.

What is video modelling?

Video modelling in simple term is a way to teach children on the autism spectrum disorder new skills and behaviours by means of a video they watch.
Basic video-modelling uses adults, peers or animation as models to tell the story to the child.

Video self-modelling is when the actual autistic child is the model. Point of view video-modelling shows what completing the task would look like from the child’s point of view and lastly video-prompting is a video that breaks up a task like brushing teeth into steps that the child watches as he completes that actual task.

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