Testimonial: Linda

Good afternoon Ilse,

I hope you well. Thank you so much for our little guy. He really seems to be enjoying being there. He is constantly happy, never has random cries, no biting of fingers and less grinding. He’s really showing less frustration. He eats and sleeps way better. He practically sleeps the whole night.

Our newest thing now is that when you put him on the bed and tell him to jump, he jumps with a big smile on his face.

Linda (February 2020)

Ilse Kilian-Ross

Ilse Kilian-Ross is the owner of Amazing K, a registered ECD and Partial Care Facility in Johannesburg. Amazing K is a private adhd school, autism school and therapy centre for children from age 2 - 6 years where learners receive the best of both the schooling and therapy world. The autism school offers Individualized Education Programs, Speech- and Augmentive Alternative Communication (AAC) therapy as well as a full and adapted Academic Curriculum.